Easy way to select special subsets of cards (special TGIF offers, deleted cards, mysterious cards). new: additional dropdown list in main menu.INFO: these informations are available only for cards released before 26-10-2017 and will be not updated automatically. Thanks to pumpdude48 for providing all necessary data. - 'Coming very soon' - cards that you can expect in the nearest future.- 'Newest cards' - cards released 3 weeks ago or later,.new: new subsets of cards in the 'Misc' drop-down list:.new: new subset of cards in the 'Misc' drop-down list: 'Advent Calendar 2018'.new: search cards of a given model by clicking her name.fix: cards deleted from the store are marked properly as 'Deleted'.new: new subset of cards in the 'Misc' drop-down list: 'Exclusive cards'.fix: missing 'New' and 'Soon' labels are now displayd properly.update: list of clips is now available only for released cards.

update: the label 'Exclusive cards' in the 'Misc' drop-down list has been changed to 'Special Event Cards'.update: the subset of Special Event cards in the 'Misc' drop-down list now displays only those cards that have been officialy released.Give me a username and password your istripper account and i give you 50credits for free. Simontemplarit2 Wrote: Has anyone found a valid method to crack it's own iStripper (former Virtua Girl) credits? Or any way to download full shows perhaps?hi. In total, there are thousands of girls on the program that are everything from femme fatales, cute college students to hot blonds or enchanting brunettes. VG909 Istripper (know as VirtuaGirl HD) bot will add to your account credits, and the more credits you have the more girls you have access to.